Profile Picture

Soephiah Munirah *******


Sarjana Muda - Bachelor Of Computer Science (Management Information System)

Universiti Malaya (Petaling Jaya) (Graduated)

Rembau, Negeri Sembilan

Tutor Training

Training Educational Psychology

Training PKSK & UKKM

Training Sains Sek Rendah

Training Motivation In Education

Training Online Class Preparation

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About Me
I am a dedicated tutor and motivated to help my students to achieve their desired goal and target. I am willing to commit my time and energy to ensure I can provide the best tutoring services. I believe I can work along with my students with positivity. However I would love if my students can reciprocate the same attitude towards me as well. I am also open for any opinions or suggestions that could help the tutoring process be more dynamic and smooth. I am sure I can be a good tutor for my students.
Teaching Method(s)
- I love to teach in a positive and casual manner so that the sessions can be done in a comfortable atmosphere.
- A good two-way interactions will be much appreciated as it can help me become more understanding and be able to tackle any issues arises during the tutoring sessions.
- I like using varieties of presentation method as my teaching aid.
- I will provide good teaching materials whichever suited my students well such as detailed mind maps or notes, step-by-step guidance or even through mini games.
Subject School Level
Matematik Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5, Darjah 6, Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2, Tingkatan 3
Sains Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5, Darjah 6, Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2, Tingkatan 3
Mathematics DLP Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5, Darjah 6, Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2, Tingkatan 3
Sains DLP Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5, Darjah 6, Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2, Tingkatan 3
Geografi Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2, Tingkatan 3
Pendidikan Moral Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2, Tingkatan 3, Tingkatan 4, Tingkatan 5, Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5, Darjah 6
P. Islam Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5, Darjah 6, Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2, Tingkatan 3, Tingkatan 4, Tingkatan 5
Mengaji - Iqra Tadika, Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5, Darjah 6