Profile Picture

Puspita Sree *******

Diploma / Stpm - Smk Astana Kuantan

Kuantan, Pahang

Tutor Training

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About Me
Hello, I'm Teacher Sree, currently doing my higher studies in Management marketing. I have experience in tutoring primary and secondary school for 4 years and in kindergarten for 1 year.
Teaching Method(s)
- will provide extra exercise
- can learn in English/Malay/Tamil
- will use the online platform such as Kahoot
Subject School Level
Prasekolah - 3M Tadika
Matematik Tadika, Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 4, Darjah 5
Membaca B. Inggeris Tadika
Bahasa Inggeris Tadika
Bahasa Melayu Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 4, Darjah 5
Darjah 2, Darjah 4