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Zakirah Binti *******

Sarjana(master) - Educational Psychology (Usm)

Larut & Matang, Perak

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About Me
My name is Zakirah Mohd Hatta. A psychology graduate who passionate to scaffold a strong supportive system around children with neuro-developmental struggles. I am currently working as a special needs Interventionist at one of the rehab centres in Penang. I have been extensively involve in 5 years of experiences working with children with learning difficulties ranges in many types of developmental delay, children with ASD. Developing lesson based on individual cases and carry out intervention.
Teaching Method(s)
Lesson will be integrative in the approach of sensory, behavior and academic. This might as well improving social and communication skill. Concern clients will be take into consideration as the main focus in developing the lesson. Ongoing consultation with the parents will take place for effective progress.
Subject School Level
Darjah 1
Prasekolah - 3M Darjah 1, Tadika
Communication & Writing Darjah 1, Tadika
Seni & Kraf Tadika
Matematik Tadika
Membaca B. Inggeris Tadika
Membaca B. Melayu Tadika