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Alya Nabilah *******

(Physical & Online)

Diploma / Stpm - Rekabentuk Dalaman

Universiti Teknologi MARA (Seri Iskandar) (Graduated)

Kota Bharu, Kelantan

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About Me
Hi, I am Alya! Recently, I've commpleted my study at UiTM Seri Iskandar. My study background is not from education field but, my strong passion for teaching is undeniable. I’ve always been so enthusiastic about Science and English language. During my SPM year, I served as a mentor for Science and English subjects in a mentorship program. I've also gained valuable experience teaching my younger family members during school holidays, where I've learned how to make learning enjoyable and engaging. With these experiences, I am confident in my ability to excel in teaching and connect with my students effectively.

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Teaching Method(s)
Saya menggunakan beberapa teknik pengajaran antaranya, Anggap Kawan supaya pelajar lebih yakin bertanya ketika sesi pembelajaran tetapi tegas apabila perlu. Saya juga akan menggunakan teknik Latih Tubi supaya pelajar dapat menguasai kemahiran mengingat topik-topik yang dipelajari. Teknik seterusnya adalah ‘reward’. Teknik ini digunakan apabila pelajar berjaya menjawab pertanyaan dan menyelesaikan tugasan yang diberikan.
Subject School Level
Bahasa Inggeris Darjah 6, Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5
Sains Darjah 6, Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 5, Darjah 4
Matematik Tadika
Membaca B. Inggeris Tadika
Membaca B. Melayu Tadika
Bahasa Melayu Darjah 1