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Muhammad Azzan *******


Sarjana Muda - Business Administration (Ib)

Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia - UPTM (Ongoing Study)

Lembah Pantai, WP Kuala Lumpur

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About Me
I finished my STPM study at Victoria Institution and  I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration (IB) at UPTM. Also, I have worked as a teacher in an educational environment, and I put a lot of effort into my work to succeed. I am also aware that how a teacher organizes their time inside the learning system affects how the students are taught.
Teaching Method(s)
Using slides and simple language that is easy for students to understand will be my teaching strategies in this online course. Next, provide the students with some questions to evaluate along with some helpful advice and understandings of the responses they provided.
Subject School Level
Membaca - BI Darjah 2, Darjah 1
Bahasa Melayu Darjah 2, Darjah 1
P. Islam Darjah 2
Prasekolah - 3M Darjah 1