Vocabulary related to the topic of money
1. Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others
2. Use with some support familiar print and digital resources to check meaning
Past Simple Verbs
1. Understand with support longer simple narratives on a wide range of familiar topics.
2. Narrate short stories, events and experiences session.
Reading Strategies in Longer Text
1. Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts
2. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words and by context.
Past Simple Verbs, Reference Pronouns and Coordinating Conjunctions
1. Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences.
2. Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference pronouns.
Adjectives and Nouns
1. Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple stories and poems. Other imaginative responses as appropriate
Speaking Skills
1. Ask about and express rules and obligations
2. Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking understanding of what a speaker is saying
Reading Skills
1. Read and enjoy fiction/non-fiction and other suitable print and digital texts of interest
Writing Activity using Coordinating Conjunction
1. Describe personality
2. Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference pronouns
3. Spell most high frequency words accurately in independent writing
Listening Activity
1. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words and by context on familiar topics
2. Ask about and describe personality
Writing Activity - Punctuation
1. Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences
2. Use capitals, full stops, commas in lists, question marks, and speech marks appropriately at discourse level
3. Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify this appropriately in response to feedback
Free Time Activities - Simple Longer Text
1. Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others
2. Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts
Grammar - Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense
1. Revise the present simple: affirmative, negative, questions and short answers.
2. Revise the present continuous: affirmative, negative, questions and short answers
Skills and Abilities / I can ... / I can’t … / I’m good at … / I’m not good at …
1. Understand with little or no support the main ideas in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
2. Understand with little or no support specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
Tourist Attraction - Vocabulary related to amusement and theme parks
1. Understand the main points in simple longer texts
2. Understand specific details information in simple longer texts
Art - Present Simple and Present Continuous
1. Contrast the present simple and the present continuous
2. Read a text about art
Activity Camp - Asking for personal information
1. Work on all four skills
2. Read an advert about an activity camp
3. Listen to someone registering for an adventure weekend
4. Write a personalized dialogue
5. Act out their dialogue
Personal Profiles - (1) Writing a personal profile using because and so to give reasons and link ideas (2) Present Simple and Present Continuous
1. Give detailed information about themselves and others
2. Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify this appropriately in response to feedback
Professions - Grammar
1. Learn/ revise the past simple of regular and irregular verbs.
2. Use the past simple with time expressions with ago
Professions - Simple Longer Texts
1. Understand with little or no support the main ideas in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
2. Understand with little or no support specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
A Famous Writer
1. Learn/ revise was/were and could/ couldn’t
2. Asks and answer questions using could
3. Revise the past simple of regular and irregular verbs.
4. Read a text about Charles Dickens.
Places - Writing a review (also, too, past simple verbs, could and couldn't)
1. Give detailed information about themselves and others
2. Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify this appropriately in response to feedback
Teacher to select - Simple Longer Texts
1. Understand with little or no support specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
2. Understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions Objectives are achieved through the question and answer session during the pdp.
Teacher to select - Future Tense, Coordinating Conjunction and Pronouns
1. Describe future plans or events
2. Spell most high frequency words accurately in independent writing
3. Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more using basic coordinating conjunctions and pronouns
Listening Activity
1. Understand more complex supported questions.
2. Explain and give reasons for simple advice
Speaking skills
Ask about and describe future plans or events
2. Describe future plans or events
Reading Activity
1. Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts.
2. Use with some support familiar print and digital resources to check meaning
Writing Activity
1. Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences
2. Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify this appropriately in response to feedback
Listening and Speaking Skills
1. Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others.
2. Agree on a set of basic steps needed to complete extended classroom tasks
Weather - Reading and Writing Activity
1. Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts
2. Understand the main points in simple longer texts
3. Narrate short stories, events and experiences
4. Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts
5. Understand the main points in simple longer texts
6. Narrate short stories, events and experiences
1. Learn/revise the past continuous
2. Learn/ revise a set of adverbs.
Natural Disaster
1. Understand with little or no support specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
2. Understand with little or no support the main ideas in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics