Tingkatan 2 - Bahasa Inggeris

Ready to take your English skills to the next level? Our Form 2 English Class is packed with exciting lessons that help you improve grammar, sharpen writing, and build confidence in speaking and comprehension. Designed to make learning fun and practical, this class is your stepping stone to becoming an English pro in school and beyond!

Start from
MYR 80
per month

Online class


Reading: Vocabulary related to recycling

Able to explain 3 reasons or more why recycling is a good idea.

Vocabulary related to recycling: waste, leftovers, landfill Modals of suggestion: You can …, You could…

Able to give 3 reasons or more why it is a good idea to recycle leftover food

Reading and Writing: Present Simple Passive

1. Explain simple content from what they have read.
2. Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify this appropriately either in response to feedback or independently.

Recycled language from lessons 1 - 4, imperatives

1. Explain in simple language connections between characters, places, or events in texts and their own lives.
2. Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating poems, board games, puzzles, and quizzes.

Grammar (Modal verbs to talk about rules and obligations in the present - Do and Dont's)

Able to choose the sentences that depict the do’s and don'ts.

Reading: Vocabulary related to health

Answer questions about lifestyle.

Cyberbullying (Reading Simple Longer Texts)

1. Explain 3 points on the effects of cyberbullying.
2. Answer questions about cyberbullying.

Reading and Grammar (Should and Shouldn’t and Must and Mustn’t)

1. Read the text about rules for social networking sites.
2. Differentiate on the usage of should and shouldn’t and must and mustn’t.

Listening: Words related to health

Match the pictures with the health problems

Grammar (Present Simple/Continuous, Past Simple/Continuous, Present Perfect, will and going to)

1. Read short text and scan the tenses used.
2. Differentiate on the usage of each of the grammar topics.

Writing (Instant Message)

Write an instant message

Jobs and chores (Speaking)

1. Pronounce the words related to jobs and chores correctly.
2. Communicate about chores do at home.

Online message board (Reading and Writing)

Able to read and understand the online message board.

Grammar (be going to for future plans and intentions. Contrast will and going to.)

1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of be going to.
2. Differentiate the usage of will and going to.

Money (Listening and Speaking)

Explain about lending money.

Shopping (Reading)

Read and understand about charity shops, car boot sales, and swap shops.

Grammar (would like and wouldn’t like)

Differentiate the usage of would like and wouldn’t like.

Pocket Money (Speaking/Listening/Reading)

1. Give examples of different way of earning money
2. Able to make and respond to simple requests and suggestions

Writing (Informal letter using pronouns)

Say what or who the pronouns refer to.

Listening and Writing

1. Listen attentively and accurately identify key events or details from the story, enabling them to understand the flow of the storyline.
2. Fill out the diagram with clear and relevant details, correctly labeling or describing each part to match the storyline they listened to.

Transport (Speaking)

Complete the sentences using the words given

A journey (Reading)

Scan the text and then read for specific information.

Grammar (Past simple vs Present perfect)

Able to differentiate the usage of past simple and present perfect

Movement (Reading and Writing - Simple Longer Text)

Give example verbs or verbs that can go with each word given.

Vocabulary related to a car journey in the USA (Reading and Speaking)

Describe a long car journey in the country.

History of transport (Listening and Reading - Present Perfect Tense)

Read a short text about transport and identify the usage of present perfect tense.

Transport (Listening and Writing)

Write a personalized dialogue.

Grammar (adverbs - really and a bit)

Writing a short travel blog post using the the adverbs really and a bit correctly.

Vocabulary related to sport and competitions (Reading and Speaking)

1. Read an online magazine article about sports.
2. Describe the sports stated.
3. Able to explain the sports they do.

Grammar (Present Perfect and the use of for and since. Make questions using 'How long?')

Make questions using 'How long?'.

Vocabulary related to superstitions (Reading)

Compare superstitions in their country with superstitions in Ireland.

Grammar (Present Perfect and Past Simple)

1. Read and scan the usage of past simple or the present perfect.
2. Differentiate the usage of past simple or the present perfect.

Reading and Writing

Read and summarise the main points

Writing - Narrative Essay

Express opinions and common feelings such as happiness, sadness, surprise and interest.

Science and Technology (Reading and Writing)

Describe in simple language the key characters and themes in a text.