Profile Picture

Nur Arina *******

Diploma / Stpm - Early Childhood Education

Shah Alam, Selangor

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About Me
I'm currently a student in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Majoring Early Childhood Education and minoring in Information Technology (IT). Have experiences in teaching/tutoring since 2018, which means it is almost 5 years of experience. Teaching kids and being surrounded them are one of my hobbies
Teaching Method(s)
Preschool- thematic approach, montessori approach, hands-on but still using KSPK
Primary & Secondary- Hands-on activities will be included but depends on the kid's level. Using KSSR & KSSM syllabus
Rating & Review

Aduni Idzura Bt Omar : Prasekolah - 3M

Tiada respon

Subject School Level
Prasekolah - 3M Tadika, Darjah 1
Matematik Tadika, Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5, Darjah 6, Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2
Seni & Kraf Tadika
Bahasa Inggeris Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5, Darjah 6, Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2, Tingkatan 3
Sains Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5, Darjah 6, Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2
Mathematics DLP Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5
Sains DLP Darjah 1, Darjah 2, Darjah 3, Darjah 4, Darjah 5
Sejarah Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2, Tingkatan 3, Tingkatan 4, Tingkatan 5
Asas Sains Komputer Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2