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Kim Hin *******


Sarjana(master) - Master In Business Administration (Mba), Heriot Watt University Uk.

Seremban, Negeri Sembilan

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Tentang Saya
I have experience, expertise in supply chain, manufacturing and procurement knowledge from my 30 years in semiconductors factory. However, I do provide tuition on a part time basis in economics. In the pass, I use to teach part time during the weekend diploma level for economics. With the combination of my working experience and deep knowledge in economics, I intend to add value and contribute positively to your academic performance. It is also my passion to give back to the community and pass on my knowledge.
Teknik Pengajaran
Top priority will be to follow the syllabus of the subject. Focus on pass years questions, as a mean to the end. I will simplify the concept to make understanding more easier to be absorbed. I will design also, memory aid as well. At the same time, I will try to relate real working experience to the subject matter to make the learning process more interesting and exciting.
Subjek Tahap
Ekonomi STPM - Tingkatan 6, Tingkatan 4, Tingkatan 5
Perniagaan Universiti - Diploma